Our Story

The concept for the Green Bakery, LLCĀ gluten free was initiated by Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren (Dr. T), a medical doctor licensed in Europe, residing in the USA. Dr. T is the founder and owner of Ecopolitan restaurant in Minneapolis, MN; a 100% organic, vegan, raw and gluten-free restaurant and shop. As part of his medical practice, Dr. T is a functional medicine practitioner who treats many patients that have gluten intolerance and sensitivities. While Dr. T believes a fully raw vegan diet comprised primarily of fruits and vegetables is the healthiest diet, he understands the human preference for cooked products, particularly in the bread family.

Many of Dr. T patients were having difficulty finding gluten-free bread products of good quality. Knowing Dr. Tā€™s involvement in food though his restaurant, the Fresh & Natural Foods supermarket chain of the Twin Cities approached him in 2008 to develop a good-tasting, high-quality line of gluten-free products. The supermarket chain estimated its initial orders at 3,000 loaves of bread per month.

Dr. Tel-Oren accepted the challenge from Fresh & Natural foods to develop a premier line of gluten-free bread. He contacted Sarah Sherva who has been instrumental in making the Wedge bakery line, one of the top bakery lines in the Twin Cities. Sara worked with Dr. Tel-Oren to develop recipes for the different bread products.

In late 2008, Dr. T decided he was going to build the bakery on his 20 acres of commercially zoned land, River haven in Colfax, WI. He hired Ann woods; who has a business management background, and Randy McKee; who bakes, to help with the business and baking side of the company. Construction began and completed in 2009 where the Green Bakery is still today.

The Green Bakery has been very successful for the past five years, but they arenā€™t done yet. The Green Bakery wants to expand and create new products to share the deliciousness with everyone across the world.